Did I waste My Education Degree? – Let’s Find Out!

Published by suchamatter.com on

Hey, Im Raksha, your Storytelling mate, I’m here today with yet another guidance for young folks who just graduated or perhaps began working only to find out that the job you do s**ks. Uni was fun, but this isn’t.

University was all about Learning, exploring, socializing, even for the silent introvert, watching all the fun around is energizing, But what happens when you leave Uni and are now suppose to figure out your fate on your own, You are all ready to use the knowledge you’ve gained in university to now earn some Bucks and run a family.

A Dark skinned, curly hair with a boy cut holding her college degree with a dissapointed look

The work that you do makes you realize, you didn’t sign up for THIS lifestyle, This isn’t how you imagined your Everyday to look like.

This unexpected Reality check doesn’t always appear to you when your singing for a college degree.

Now, There will be many who say a college degree is important, and you know what?

I say No different!

A degree plays a role in shaping you as a person and open up doors for you to be safe and not run out of bread on your table.

The main problem isn’t your degree, It is How you use it.

There are many notions we are thrown at about how each degree has a one way journey of success, Let me help you Bust that Myth and Uncover how you can utilize your Uni degree and follow your passion at the same time without Burnout and to live the exact Life you deserve

I really don’t care which background you come from, what degree you have, or what your passion is. I will be providing a general solution that could really change your life, and I’d love for you to come back and comment how you this changed your life.

Let’s jump right in..

A White woman, sitting wearing her blue jeans, short hair and worrying about her job that she doesn't like.

It’s not about what options we have after acquiring a degree

It is what we do with our degrees.

You see, Many a times while we hunt for different career options at an age right after school, a linear roadmap to career is pointed towards by our teachers, parents and or relatives.

For e.g we are told If you choose science stream, you either become a doctor, nurse or vet.

If you choose engineering, You either choose aeronautical and become a pilot, or an architect or get into civils.

If you choose psychology, you either become a school psychologist, or a social worker.

They plant seed into our brain making us believe that there are these limited options we can choose after pursuing a certain degree.

Some qualifications will make you rich, some degrees will keep you at a lower salary segment.

But today?

The world has evolved and so is the education and career systems.

The concrete choices don’t exist anymore. 

Today we have a freedom to utilize the knowledge and skill from whichever background we come from. And scale it to become wealthy and have an equally important role to serve in the community as any higher profession.

The only roadmap, you can use is.

A portion of your qualified knowledge

A portion of your natural talent

A portion of skills you can develop that can act as a catalyst in combing the above mentioned qualities.

Examples again.

If you are a Psychology student, You studied that but being just a psychologist with minimal wage isn’t your career goal.

A cartoonist image, where a college student throwing his degree in the air celebrating, and there's a Demon double the size who is scaring him

Your natural talent is Writing! You love writing, you wanted to be a writer 

So, now all you have to do is learn some additional skills that would combine your psychology knowledge with your writing skills.

Like, Copywriting, Learn the editing methods, learn the Frameworks, apply your knowledge of psychology blend it with some other skills like digital marketing, Educate yourself about the basics, Now you are already ahead of 80% of the copywriters out there.

This could open several doors for you.

So, the takeaway here is that, You must Focus on the Transferable skills, combine it with what you are naturally drawn to, and start building a life you always wanted.

2024 is the era of Career Revolution, where the choices are limitless, the knowledge is free, and Money is awaiting your effort.

So, take as much benefit from this new Change and don’t be afraid to blend in.

Break free from the Rigid mentality and explore the opportunities.

Categories: Blog


Welcome to the safe space,I'm Raksha, An Author and a blogger who is prodigously passionate about Writing. This Blog intends to be the One-stop solution to all the confused youth out there who are working hard to make ends meet, All the Millenials who entered thier dream jobs only to realise it ain't Fun, We are capable of so much more that we all know from within, but might have different genuine reasons not to listen to our hearts and Live the Best LIFE. I expostulate the Idea of trading our time for the month-end paycheck at a corporate setup. I was all about my bills and rent at a point, in no time I swiftly got comfortable with hurting my back and my soul for paying up the bills of the little house we rented. This one time when I sat near the window on a sunday afternoon, there were series of eye opening instances bursting all at once, the following are the thoughts that struck me, My back had given up, I had run out of cash sooner than I expected, I'm broke almost half the month, and That day and that moment was when I decided to Change the way I Live, the first step being cleansing my life, dusting away the unnecessary worries and following my heart that was overwhelmed with the great urge to just Write full time, I started by a blog, second step being eliminating anything that is consuming my time without providing me of good health, good money or growth. The moment I took the decision to let go of everything that could free up some time for me to work on my passion full time, my LIFE hasn't been the same since. And I wish to take you along with me on my journey and teach you all that I Learn and have learnt from the past 26 years. The Motto of the blog however is : TO INTENTIONALLY LIVE THE LIFE WE DESERVE!So, not to miss out on any Growth tips and Personal development tips that would be provided through my blog/Articles to all the Millenials who began working on thier job, and 2 years in, realised they hated it, My only Intent is to help you guys find your purpose and drag you out of the mid 20's crisis, financially, physically and to help with your relationships , I will also be providing extremely exclusive Newsletters to my subscribers. Hope to see you around.Stay Connected.


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